“Lost Loves” is a song that literally took 20 years to complete. The first half was recording in 1991 and the other half was recorded…

B. DOLAN’s “FILM THE POLICE” pays tribute to N.W.A.’s infamous “F*ck the Police,” serving as a call to action for the digitized media movement while…

New Scroobius Pip “Let Em Come” SFR Redux featuring Sage Francis, Metermaids & Cecil Otter, taken from Scroobius’ Distraction Pieces available now. iTunes: Distraction Pieces…

BAD THINGS is from the Metermaids “Rooftop Shake” LP (drops on Sept 6.) This extended redux features Sage Francis and B. Dolan on vocals, M….

New video from Metermaids “8mm”, off Rooftop Shake. www.StrangeFamousRecords.com Tour Dates: PORTLAND, OR on Sept 21 at ROSELAND Sage Francis w/ the METERMAIDS & Sadistik…

Download: Metermaids “Graveyard Shift” “Graveyard Shift” produced by 9th Wonder is the first single off Metermaids’ Rooftop Shake. The new album drops September 6th via…

Sage Francis – The Best of Times Second single “The Best of Times” from Sage Francis‘ LI(F)E album dropping May 11, 2010.

Video by Damien Neva. Starring: Yak Ballz, B. Dolan, Chauncey (CC), Sage Francis, TMQ, and (Of course) EL-P. 10/08/2009PortlandMaineAsylum 10/09/2009ProvidenceRhode IslandJerky’s Live Music Hall 10/10/2009AllstonMassachusetts…