Meet T-White. Last spring I met T-White in Chicago thru my homies Denmark and Scud. Sooner than later the folders started coming thru. And now…

Knx hipped me to Tuamie about 6 months ago. I was floored. This kid got some shit. Three songs(*) on The Gift Vol IV come…
![Quelle Chris - Ghost At The Finish Line [album]](https://www.rawdrive.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/quelleChrisGATFL-470x140.jpg)
Ghost At The Finish Line by Quelle Chris Artist/ writer/ producer Quelle Chris presents his third full length album, Ghost at the Finish Line. A…
![Denmark Vessey - DON'T DRINK THE KOOL AID [Free Download]](https://www.rawdrive.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/denmarkVesseyDDTKA-470x140.jpg)
Brought to you by House Shoes and Dirty Science, one of the newest undiscovered Producer/MC’s out of Detroit, Denmark Vessey comes with his free project…

Volume III of The Gift brings you Ext aka Rudy Eckes. From raw loop chops to layered synths, Ext has all that a true beathead…
![House Shoes - King James Version Chapter One: Verses One - Four [mixtape]](https://www.rawdrive.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/houseShoesTKJVCh1-470x140.jpg)
This is a lovingly and expertly constructed journey through the building blocks of Dilla’s beats – the dusty OG vinyl grooves that he sampled. From…
![House Shoes Presents The Gift:Volume 3 - Ext aka Rudy Eckes: Strings Up [audio]](https://www.rawdrive.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/houseShoesTheGiftVol3EXT-470x140.jpg)
The leaker off of the new installment of The Gift series featuring Ext aka Rudy Eckes. A Brooklynite with a variety of sounds, Ext’s work…
![House Shoes Presents: Nameless - Rainbow Read [video]](https://www.rawdrive.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/namelessRR-470x140.jpg)
In the final video of the making of The Gift Vol. One: Nameless series, Nameless chops the shit out of the theme from Reading Rainbow……