Order: https://www.goonsgear.com/?s=goon+mode New Video by @GrindModeCypher & Snowgoons featuring: Grind Mode Cypher – https://linktr.ee/GrindModeCypher Lingo | https://linktr.ee/lingothewiseguy Ayok | http://linktr.ee/Ayok5k Vendetta of PcP | /…

First single from Lord Willin’s upcoming album “S.S.R.I.” entirely produced by Mr.Phormula @mrphormula Cover art by Ral Duke @ral_duke https://song.link/s/62FMQiQS8YzFEZoUJAxfnl

First single Liquid Death is smacking right in your face. Brutal rhymes on a dark and gritty instrumental. Chubs from New York got a lot…