Michael Leonhart & J-SWISS – Bona Fide | audio
With its cinematic mood and compelling groove, “Bona Fide” is a fitting title track for the debut album from the duo Michael Leonhart (producer/multi- instrumentalist) & JSWISS (emcee). The high level of lyricism and dynamic feel are key characteristics of the work they create together.
“Bona Fide” is defined as “genuine”and “real”, an apt description of the partnership. Leonhart & JSWISS come together from two different musical worlds, organically intersecting at a place where their outlooks and backgrounds create genre-bending music. It’s the type of record that’s gold for a pure hip-hop head, but also has an energy and groove that anyone with a heartbeat can get into.
The Side B “Instrumental” showcases the rock-solid swagger of Nicholas Movshon (drums), Elizabeth Pupo-Walker (congas) and Leonhart (bass) with flourishes of harpsichord and upright piano along with dusty choir and strings courtesy of Leonhart’s mellotron.