J-LIVE -VS- EVERYTHING is a menagerie of J-Live verses. Thus the title’s double meaning. The Vs. abbreviates both the prepostition “versus” and dares to make a verb of the noun as in “J-Live is putting verses on everything”. From chopped beats to whole lifted songs to other peoples’ instrumentals to J’s own abscure lost episodes, J is spitting old songs, new freestyles and everything in-between.

J is from an era long since before rappers were putting out albums and calling them mixtapes. Before DJs would put out mixtapes without mixing or transitions or blends or cuts, but just yelling with explosions between tracks. So we thought if we’re going to make an artist mixtape of unofficial offerings, it’d be nice to make it an actual mixtape.

Then we took it a step further, and made the actual mixtape, and actual cassette.This extremely exclusive ultra limited edition cassette will prove to be a collectors item and the start of something special. But more importantly, a fun listen and culmination of years of dedication and love to this thing we call Hip Hop. Enjoy!

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