Bobby J From Rockway x Daru Jones – Look At What I Become (Video/Remix Contest)

Enter the One Mic & Drum Remix Contest☛

Fresh off the release of their collaborative album, ‘One Mic & Drum,’ Bobby J From Rockaway x Daru Jones are sharing their fresh new video for “Look at What I Become,” a slapper that highlights their passion for crafting creative, entirely fresh hip-hop. It’s that back-to-basics vibe that carries into these visuals that Bobby shot and edited himself.

But here’s the best part: You (yes YOU) can join Bobby and Daru on “Look at What I Become” through their newly announced remix contest. Are you a musician, producer, singer, DJ, etc.? Well, you can download the track and record your talents over the existing track. It must be sample free and submitted as a 320 Bitrate .mp3 or WAV file, and it will be judged based on creativity, originality, and mixing. Following your submission, you’re required to 1) post a video to Instagram playing your remix, 2) follow @BobbjDaruJones and 3) tag #OneMicAndDrumChallenge.

The top five remixes will be shared on Instagram through @bobbyjdarujoines, @darujones, @bobbyfromrockaway, @fatbeats and @fleamarketfunk where the public will then decide on the winner by commenting with their favorite remix. The winner will be included as part of the ‘One Mic & Drum Remix’ EP, which is due out this year, and they’ll receive a $100 gift card from Fat Beats.

‘One Mic & Drum’ Smart URLs:
• Main Version:…
• Clean Version:…

• Artists: Bobby J From Rockaway x Daru Jones
• Title: “Look at What I Become”
• Produced by: Daru Jones
• Directed by: Bobby J
• Album: One Mic & Drum
• Label: Rusic Records/Fat Beats Records
• Release Date: July 17, 2020

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