Sinista Daniro “Dental Floss” Official Music Video
“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.†– H.P. Lovecraft
Born in Baltimore sometime in the nineteen eighties, raised in the shadow of the city and put to sleep by the never ending sound of sirens. Sinista Daniro, a street merchant, solider of the concerte, chef du jour of the knuckle sandwich, graduate of the school of hard knocks, pick one. In the era of rappers wanting to be actors, actors wanting to be rappers, Daniro is the reminder not all streets are safe for you to walk down. For theses reasons, his music is his image, his background is whatever he choose toreveal in the rhymes. Song is produced by Kount Fif & Video is done by R.M.L.