Jamo Gang (J57, Ras Kass & El Gant) – Francis Scott Key (Single)

After forming and releasing their self-titled EP “Jamo Gang” in 2017, the trio of J57, Ras Kass, and El Gant, have returned with their first single “Francis Scott Key”, from the forthcoming album ‘Walking with Lions’.

“Francis Scott Key, takes an aggressive stance on not only the current administration in office, but also the US system, and how it sets people up, especially those of color, for failure. “As soon as J57 sent the track over I knew exactly what direction I was headed in with this record”, says the NY native El Gant. “It had an energy where everything I was thinking and feeling just poured out of the pen effortlessly. I immediately sent what I did over to Ras Kass, and he did exactly the same thing. We had just gotten off tour where the 3 of us had alot of driving time and discussions about how we felt, so this song was very natural for us and full of raw emotion.”

Ras Kass in full agreement states, “This song is just the musical version of what I speak about every day. Without speaking about the atrocities committed against people of color, and those in a position of disadvantage, nothing gets done. When Trump first took office, the only thing that I was optimistic about was perhaps music would start becoming political again and people would take a stance like in the early nineties and late sixties. For the most part shockingly, that didnt happen…..so here we are.”

J57 agrees, “We all couldnt wait to release this song because of how strongly we felt, but we also knew the timing had to be right. Freedom of speech means that if you dont agree with the way things are, you speak up about it, thats how the pendulum swings in the other direction.”

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