Surreal – Do Better (Offical Video)
Do Better the new single/video by Surreal is a cosmic call for ascension and elevation. In a world rife with unconscious consumerism he’s radiating the need for awareness through frequency and intention. With media becoming more and more homogenized this song is a reverse hypnosis to break the mold and get the listener into the universal flow of understanding and love.
“Words sometimes fail” says the multidimensional artist. He made the track, wrote the verses and even created the visual that will drop in a few weeks so only having a handful of words over the music was very intentional. “The audience is way smarter than we give them credit for, especially the younger generation. Your vibrations speak louder than your words.” Calling us to Do Better, and find a better way doesn’t need specificity because we all know what we need to do.It’s a vibe.