Viro The Virus – The Change Up (Snowgoons Remix) Sharpest Blade Remixed
The Original “THE SHARPEST BLADE” is the last full-length studio album from VIRO THE VIRUS. With an eager focus on producing “hits” that would appeal to a wider audience and get some radio play, VIRO & Caliph-NOW wrote songs and collected production that had a more relatable sound to what was playing at the time. No one would disagree that VIRO THE VIRUS is and will always be “THE SHARPEST BLADE”.
“THE SHARPEST BLADE REMIXED” is the fifth of five Remix Projects from the original work of VIRO THE VIRUS. Caliph-NOW reached out to close friends, former producers of VIRO, and some new producers to re-release the original “THE SHARPEST BLADE” album with all new production.