Dillon & Batsauce – On Their Way [album] (feat. Paten Locke, Sadat X, Greg Nice, Willie Evans Jr. & more)
Wherever it is that they’re going, longtime friends and collaborators, Dillon & Batsauce have been ‘on their way’ for quite some time…but their debut full length of the same name has finally arrived. Years in the making, On Their Way is the culmination of beatmaker Batsauce’s globetrotting and rapper/chef Dillon’s willingness to run around the world with him and his wife like a squeaky third wheel.
The story starts in their hometown of Jacksonville, FL where Dillon & Batsauce met in the early 2000’s. Perhaps it was their slight resemblance to each other – or maybe their mutual respect for hot sauce, tacos & Thai food, but the two instantly hit it off and soon began writing and recording – and eating. After releasing a handful of EPs and singles, they set to work on a full length – which would be perpetually derailed over the next few years as Batsauce & his wife, Lady Daisey unexpectedly moved to Berlin and set up shop. When it became clear that they weren’t coming back, Dillon realized he would have to travel to them, thus the On Their Way sessions began.
Over the next few years Dillon would make an annual pilgrimage to Bat’s new lab in Berlin to work on their record, rock stages, and feast on exotic foods. Dillon would repay the favor by hosting Batsauce & Daisey in his Atlanta studio, where the duo would rehash their earlier works and hope to come up with something new. Always evolving, by the time they would link back up, it seemed like what they were working on at the moment eclipsed what they had come up with before.
On the verge of completion but languishing in rap purgatory, it wasn’t until Bat & Daisey left Berlin for Asia that new life was breathed into On Their Way. Dillon ventured to Vietnam and what began as a culinary vacation ended with video shoots, beachside beat sessions and the final track list for the album…or so they thought.
A year and another trip to Atlanta later, On Their Way was still on its way…but arrival was imminent. More songs were scrapped, more were written and finally the old and the new meshed fluidly. That may be why they chose to stick with their original cover art concept, a photo taken of the pair years ago on a Berlin train platform. Ironically, their faces are blocked out by shadows – perhaps a subtle nod to the agelessness of the record and the youthful expression of the artists themselves.