Dr. Quandary – Jukebox Buddha [album]
Jukebox Buddha is an anachronism — a weathered & time-worn record from the not-too-distant future, discovered buried in the long-forgotten ruins of the ancient past.
Exhibiting his signature blend of dusty drums & moody psychedelia, this is the first official, non-compilation album from Dr. Quandary since 2011’s “Sigils”. It’s also the first of his solo projects to feature friends & long-time collaborators, with appearances by Has-Lo, Elder Orange, Louis Mackey (No Humans Allowed), Astrid Engberg, PremRock (Wrecking Crew), Zilla Rocca (Wrecking Crew, Three Dollar Pistol Music), Godforbid (That Handsome Devil, FDR) & TIMESCANNER (The Infinite Now Podcast).
Time is a loop: a beat repeated forever. Digging in the sediment, we unearth our futures & then lose that knowledge before it comes to pass again.