ZION I – Our Camera Was Stolen At Gunpoint in West Oakland
GoFundMe: http://www.gofundme.com/theystoleourcamera
Two weeks ago..some trusted colleagues and myself were filming a video for “Calm Down”. The concept was coming together beautifully…when a black gig car suddenly pulled up. Precisely at the end of shooting a scene..two assailants emerged. One put a gun to our cameraman’s head..the other grabbed the camera. The effect was devastating.
We all fell straight from creative elation directly into despair. I personally felt violated in a way that is uncommon in my experience. The thieves made away with 90K in equipment!!! Yet, out of the ashes, the Phoenix shall rise.
Collectively, we decided to not let the hunger of desperation destroy our creative dream. Thus, we are presenting you with our GoFundMe campaign to raise enough funds to pay the deductible for the camera and finance the shoot again. This time with security to prevent this from happening again. If you don’t know, filmmakers in the Bay Area have become targets over the past few years. We are lucky that no one on our set was killed, because others have not been as lucky.
Pls hit up our page and spread the word..we are counting on your support and are confident that we can bring light to this situation.