![Poisonous Diggs (Killa Kali x DirtyDiggs) - Assorted Gems Precious Stones [EP]](https://www.rawdrive.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Assorted-Gems-Precious-Stones-470x140.jpg)
Poisonous Diggs (Killa Kali x DirtyDiggs) brings your their latest EP, “Assorted Gems Precious Stones” Written by Killa Kali. Produced by DirtyDiggs. Courtesy of Gold…
![Shuko & F. of Audiotreats - Cookies & Cream 4 [snippet]](https://www.rawdrive.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Shuko-F.-Of-Audiotreats-Lit-Relaxe-1-470x140.jpg)
Snippet of the upcoming Cookies & Cream 4 project by Shuko & F. of Audiotreats. Order: Cookies & Cream 4 – Shuko & F of…
![Elusive - Pebbles [audio]](https://www.rawdrive.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Elusive-Pebbles-470x140.jpg)
‘Moments’ by Elusive (@elusivekosmo) arrives 7/28 on Dome of Doom Pre-Order: DomeofDoom.lnk.to/Moments
![JR & PH7 x St Joe Louis - New High Pt. II [video]](https://www.rawdrive.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/jrPh7StJoeLouisNHPt2-470x140.jpg)
Music video for ”New High Pt. II” by JR & PH7 x St. Joe Louis. Song produced by JR & PH7. Taken from the album…
![The Architect x Byrd Land - Live Fast Die Young [EP]](https://www.rawdrive.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/architectByrdLandLFDY-470x140.jpg)
Gold Chain Music producer and longtime Planet Asia collaborator, The Architect, links up with Byrd Land to bring the “Live Fast Die Young” EP.
![Jazz Spastiks - Bubblegum (Bubble, Bubble, Bubble, Bubble, Pop) [audio]](https://www.rawdrive.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/jazzSpastiksSS-470x140.jpg)
Off the upcoming album + book by Jazz Spastiks Scratch & Sniff. Pre-Order: https://jazzspastiks.bandcamp.com/album/scratch-and-sniff Pledge/Support: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/scratch-and-sniff-jazz-spastiks-dj-hiphop#/ Scratch and Sniff by Jazz Spastiks