PR Dean presents “Wild Germanz” ft. Dax Mpire, Shaz Illyork, Blank Face, Chris Rivers, Babalu Machete & Nems [audio]
Wild Germanz is off the PR Dean upcoming compilation album “B.A.S.E”
(Bobbito And Stretch Era). Wild Germanz is a track of 6 Puerto Ricans (Borikwas) emcees showing there Mic skills with Super Producer Domingo on the beat also a Puerto Rican. I wanted to show the Hip Hop world that Latinos especially Puerto Ricans can spit with the best of them and been here since day one. It seems that every other Race gets there props but the Puerto Ricans (The Co-Creators of Hip Hop). Hip Hop heads need to do they research on our history in this culture. Also in the works and part of the upcoming compilation album is “Underground Railroad” Pt.4.