MeRCY – Atom Bomb ft. KoJazz & See.Francis (prod by Solidified) [audio]
Warning You’re about to press play and set off an “Atom Bomb” assembled by iLLustrious member, MeRCY. It’s not recommended to blast this at high volume in a residential area, but do it anyway. Witness this FamiLLy Affair as KoJazZ & see. francis join Merc’ on this pursuit of musical mayhem, with the sounds constructed by non-other than the iLL producer Solidified. These guys only know how to Go Get It, and y’all can Have It. This is a bonus release as MeRCY gears up to drop his ‘Feature Presentation’ project, which will encompass a collection of records featuring various artists and some of your underground favorites. The first drop is about to blow up and a new project will be following the already decimated scene.