Sean Price “Bob Ya Head To This” (Bobblehead) [video]

“It’s like he f*cks with his own music!” Purchase the bobblehead & custom P drive here:

Honor the legacy of Sean Price with this exclusive package featuring a Limited-Edition 7.5 inch bobblehead & Custom “P!” 2GB USB Flash Drive. Each bobblehead was custom made, and the box art, illustrated by Tanboys Art, showcases Sean’s local Brownsville, Brooklyn neighborhood.

The Custom “P” 2GB USB Flash Drive is packaged in a collectible plastic shell case and comes pre-loaded with all 4 of Sean Price’s mixtapes: Donkey Sean Jr., Kimbo Price, Master P, & Songs In The Key of Price. The drive also includes a copy of the official “Soul Perfect” music video featuring his wife, Bernadette Price and his daughter, Shaun Price.

Proceeds from the sales will benefit Sean Price’s family. Only 500 units are available.


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