Binary Star – Wolfman Jack [single]
In 1998 Binary Star released Wolf Man Jack, a song co written by One Be Lo and Senim Silla, co produced by Decompoze and OneManArmy. This is a fictional story where nobody believes a drunk man who seems to be spreading rumors about a werewolf that is supposedly on the loose and killing people.STRIKE 2
In 2016 Binary Star releases a new version of Wolf Man Jack, produced by OneManArmy. In this version, OneManArmy does more than jack the beat from Decompoze. Binary Star appears to be blown away by gun play. Only fragments are left to piece together on the trail of the Wolf Man Jack. With Wolf Man Jack on the beat, nobody is safe.STRIKE 3
In Wolf Man Jack (behind bars), One Be Lo skillfully weaves a tale between the Binary clues that have been left behind on Jackin for beats. Officer Jack Wolfe aka Wolf Man Jack strikes again.