Enoq – Wie Ich Do [EP]
Melancholic street rap for the mature german rap connoisseur.
Another free dll ep from Jakarta: After Suff Daddy’s “Random Promo EP” it’s now Enoq’s turn.His “Wie Ich Do EP” is a little teaser to his forthcoming debut album on Jakarta Records. We’re very, very selective when it comes to rap in German. We just happen not to like too much of it but when we heard Enoq’s music we were captivated right away. You can’t put him in a box. From street wisdom, depressed tales of drugs and alcohol abuse to love and relationships, from rapping to singing. he does it all. Melancholic street rap for the mature german rap connoisseur. Dll the free ep feat Yassin and Zwang for a taste and be on the lookout for the album this spring….