Darko The Super “CREEPAZOID!” [album]
The new album from the illustrious Darko The Super. His 41st release on Bandcamp, the Zappa-esque titled “Creepazoid!” ends with a Sum 41 sampling beat, posing the question of “What Up Fat Lip?” Inspired by and dedicated to anyone located on the Pharcyde or Weird Side of things. Featuring beats from legends such as Madlib, Charles Hamilton, and Jonwayne, as well as himself and frequent collaborator All These Fingers, Darko creates another answer to whether humor belongs in music. A disciple of the prophet Bill Hicks, Darko is as satirical as he is honest. Truly holding nothing back on this album. he deals with emotions ranging from lust to suicide. A perfect example being the Nirvana sampling “No I Don’t Have A Gun” reason being he’s broke. A man who quite possibly may have fell to earth, contemplates why he is here at all. Join him on this journey, because you too are a Creepazoid…