Goldini Bagwell (of Sandpeople) “Pigs Fly” & “Nag Champa” [audio]
Fresh off a month long tour with Myke Bogan and Illmaculate & OnlyOne, Sandpeople emcee Goldini Bagwell is back in the lab churning out new songs and making up for lost time. Due to the tour, Goldini was unable to hit us with a September drop of his otherwise monthly #SmokersJacket single series but he is here to make good with 2 new singles for the month of October. “Pigs Fly†features a healthy dose of cynical thoughts and bouncy cadences over production by Baloogz of Fish Tank Friends. “Nag Champa†is a more introspective track with a spacey, boom-bap back drop provided by LA producer Lefty. Both tracks are available for free download and you can check out the previous releases from the #SmokersJacket series here.