Red Pill Signs Multi-Album Deal |+ Free Single “All of Us” (prod. Apollo Brown)
After releasing two successful records with his Ugly Heroes brethren, touring 12+ countries in Europe, and honing his craft to a precision point, Detroit writer & emcee Red Pill has signed a multi-album solo artist deal with Mello Music Group for 2015 & 2016. Fans can expect a solo record each of the next two years, along with an EP, compilation contributions, and guest features. More details in the coming weeks.
“(Red Pill) is a writer first and that comes through with his every verse. It’s apparent he’s commited to the craft of emceeing – able to command a crowd – but at the same time he is committed to all the same things Raymond Carver, James Baldwin, or any writer would be – verisimiltude, having a political soul, and creating art that moves people.”APOLLO BROWN ON RED PILL:
“His drive is what every artist should have, along with his humility and willingness to learn. Oh, and on the mic? He’s a blue collar emcee, period. Relatable. One minute he’ll share with you his life story and invite you to walk in his shoes, and the next minute he’s eating you alive with wordplay.”