Stimulus + Jimi Hendrix Are Stimmi Hendrix “(F*&k the) Old Me” [video]

In July 1969 Jimi Hendrix traveled to Morocco . The short trip, which took place just one year prior to Hendrix’s death in September 1970, has been heavily mythologized and a source for urban legends about what he did and didn’t do while he was in Casablanca and the town of Essaouira . “The people of Morocco have never recovered from Jimi’s visit and the tales are remarkable,” Hendrix’s travelmate Deering Howe is quoted as telling researcher/biographer Caesar Glebbeck. “Like George Washington he slept in everyone’s house around the Moroccan countryside!”

For his latest music video, Brooklyn-born rapper/DJ/producer/style-guru and longtime globetrotter Stimulus set out to recreate Hendrix’s travels in Casablanca . Stim, who’s most recently been cruising the world in support of his new Stimmi Hendrix project, released a five-track homage to Hendrix last month. The video for “Old Me” was shot on location in Casablanca and Marakesh and it follows Stim (and his Stimmi Hendrix persona) around during the ten-day “L’Boulevard” music and arts festival. Explains Stim:

“I chose Morocco partly because the energy, color and diversity of Casablanca reminds me of the spirit of Jimi’s music. I became more interested in Morocco because of all of the myths and legends about Jimi Hendrix’s experience there. Rumors of him renting a place, the reasons why he never actually performed etc etc.

We were able to shoot on location in the apartment Jimi is rumored to have spent all of his time (apparently only 3 days, not 6 months) in Casablanca . He spent time with a muse, socialite, creative connector named Atika. Her son, whom she had with the late Herman Leonard (famous jazz photographer), still lives in the apartment.”



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