Novel – Die a Little [mp3]
I don’t know about y’all but, every time a day goes by without some new music from Novel, I Die a Little on the inside. OK, maybe that’s a slight exaggeration; regardless, we can all agree that, after nearly six feature-free months, it’s damn good to have him back. On this plaintive jam, the multi-talented ATLien showcases his prodigious skills on both sides of the boards. Over his own production, an elegant flip of Moby’s Memory Gospel (Novel professes to be a “big… fan†of the electronic artist.), he lets the woman he loves know just how much her absence pains him. As usual, his vocals are both technically dazzling and charged with emotion. The project to which this record is attached currently lacks both a drop date and a title, but we’ll keep you posed on the set as we learn more.