Skittz & LONEgevity – Get Back ft. R​-​Juna & Ace One | Beats & Breakfast: S2E4 [audio + video]
After a fun and great time with Season 1, Indianapolis’ Skittz and LONEgevity sat down and planned out a second season to their Beats & Breakfast series. This time around the two got with Thomas Roberts, who directed the season’s activities. The season features 10 episodes and 11 songs. A new episode and single from the project will drop every week until the release on 5/27/14, so make sure you stay tuned!
The 4th episode debuted on 4/8/14 and features Bloomington, Indiana’s R-Juna (Strong Roots Records) and Indianapolis’ ACE ONE (Proforms / Breakdown Kings). Track produced by LONEgevity and breakfast by Skittz.