O.B. & SaFE – You & I [video + audio]
Paterson, NJ rapper and M.O.B. Stars leader O.B. presents the Jimmy Giambrone-directed music video for “You & I”, the Reese Jones-produced first single from his forthcoming album Celestial Offerings. “You & I” features fellow M.O.B. Stars member SaFE. “The song was inspired by a need to bring back that competitive edge in hip hop,” says O.B. “Not a lot of rappers at the time of its conception were delivering a lot of wit and aggressiveness while still being lyrical. We sought out to do just that and remain extremely polished at the same time. The video deals with the concept of ‘In A Perfect World’. In that world, people, particularly women, wouldn’t stray from very lyrical, intellectual hip hop. In fact, it would be essential and a part of their daily lives just like a lot of the mainstream stuff is. We wanted to show people who were just as dedicated to our music and by doing so, breaking the taboos surrounding underground and indie artists.” Celestial Offerings drops November 30 featuring J Nolan, Culture Kev, Dano B. Picasso, Bretagne, RaCharm, Arkutec, Bravestarr, QB Da Problem, Kingshon and Nu Vintage.
Lead single by O.B. and SaFE off of the upcoming O.B. album “Celestial Offerings”. Produced by Reese Jones. An aggressive, poignant, lyrical endeavor by two prominent upcoming emcees.