Madlib Medicine Show – The Pill Jar (Japan Tour EP Sampler for Stussy)
On the eve of Madlib’s tour in Japan and China, we have a short collection of tracks from Madlib Medicine Show #1-12 available from Stussy Japan’s Soundcloud page to stream/embed. Or you can download the 8-track collection right here.
Feb. 15: Tokyo with Egon at Sound Museum Vision
Feb. 16: Nagoya at Mago “Audiâ€
Feb. 17: Osaka at Grand Café
Feb. 21: Beijing at Yugongyishan, Beijing, Dongcheng district, Zhang Zizhong Road 3-2.
Feb. 22: Chengdu at Chengdu East Telecast Hall, East Music park, Jianshezhi Road, Chenghua District.
Feb. 23: Shanghai at The Shelter, 5 Yongfu Road.