Swerve – The Cleansing: Barrelhouse Edition
If you have been following the activity over at swerve916.com you would know I have been dropping various leftover tracks (from already released projects) that would otherwise never see the light of day. Today i’m releasing the second volume of The Cleansing which is properly titled The Cleansing: Barrelhouse Edition (If you’re looking for the Cold Winters Edition click HERE). After each track I leave the remainder of the instrumental for anyone who wants to try there hand at creating there own Swerve & (insert name) song. I included a little background about each song came to be and didn’t come to be so be to sure to head over to www.swerve916.com if you want to read about the history of each of the 4 tracks included in this compilation. If you’re looking for more updates be sure to follow me on twitter @Swerve916.Remember: I left the beat at the end of a lot of these tracks on purpose, so if you wanna spit something dope over it and send it to me, feel free.