Elliott Niezel – The Leap Year [album] (ft. Psalm One, Planet Asia, Awol One & more)

“The Leap Year” is my first real studio album, but my seventh project release since beginning this journey. I believe its my best work yet. Most focused project. Its an album about the leaps and bounds taken by myself in the past year. In music and in my personal behavior and growth has a man. I have been believing and achieving for the past five years and just last year I finally got to pursue a long time dream of mine. Making music. Making things happen to be real about the situation. Progressing past “rappers”, entertainers, artist who have been in this business and “game” for far longer. “The Leap Year” displays my love and passion for “hip hop” in its entirety. I truly believe I have created something special for ya’ll to listen to and I really hope you enjoy it as much as I do. So on July 24th be here. “The Leap Year” had arrived.
I have chosen to release this project 3 months early. I chose to do this because I recorded the album in November 2011 and to me its old. For me the album is fantastic and the “love” of my hip hop marriage so far, don’t get me wrong, I just feel it needs to be heard and enjoyed by the people. Again music to me is for the people who listen, not the people who critique it. Please do enjoy I put A LOT into this project. Thanks. EN

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