J Dilla “Rebirth of Detroit” – COMING SOON 6-12-12. www.officialjdilla.com Directed by Oren Goldenberg Camera & Lenses provided by GSG Films Text by Robert Gorowicz…

I was approached by Universal UK a few years back about doing an album for TV licensing. They asked me to chop up and recompose…

Download: Gerald Walker – Fly Away ft. Kiara Dupree & Rell Beatz Gerald Walker is back with a new song after the release of his…

This vlog captures Stalley’s recent run through the great state of Texas surrounding the release of Savage Journey to the American Dream. Follow Stalley’s Savage…

Oh No’s album Ohnomite, based on samples from Rudy Ray Moore’s Dolemite, will be released June 5th on Five Day Weekend. We’re offering an exclusive…

Here’s a new cut off Hopie’s Raw Gem album, “No Chase” produced by 6Fingers & Exile. iTunes: Raw Gems – Hopie

New video from J57 “Pulp Fiction” featuring Koncept, off the upcoming 2057 EP dropping May 22nd @ J57music.com. Shot by FRESHPRES Pulp Fiction featuring Koncept…