Nex Millen/DistantStarr “Seekers Remixes”
The legend of the seekers is a story that has been told over the last 3 generations.
Some believers will tell you that the seekers are robotic aliens from a far off planet named Cybertron and they have the ability to transform into government owned F-16 fighter jets to disguise their identity and live among us, gathering and relaying information for a presumed hostile invasion.
And others will tell you that the seekers are a creation of DistantStarr “StarrSkream” to be use as a moniker for his self-produced musical projects on his Dizzy Arcadian Music Imprint.
But which ever story you choose to believe. There is still more than meets the eye.
Nex Millen/Distant Starr Seekers Remixes assembles the two tales into one giant of a 4 song EP.
Whether robots in disguise or timeless Hip Hop music. All can hope that the legend of The Seekers is a story that will be talked about and listen to for generations to come.