Ras G & Open Mike Eagle – Warhorn **Video**

Live version of “Warhorn” by Ras G and Open Mike Eagle /////// Check out how you can support the completion of their project, to be recorded in Kampala, Uganda in May 2012 here: ////// http://www.stayclassy.org/events/juice-intl-hip-hop-artist-exchange-w/agya-ug… ///////

The Project
J.U.i.C.E., a non-profit hip-hop arts organization in Los Angeles (www.rampartjuice.com), is proud to announce that we are partnering with Amagezi Germanyi Youth Association (AGYA) on an international hip-hop artist exchange program that will bring Los Angeles-based MC Open Mike Eagle, and Los Angeles-based beatmaker and Brainfeeder recording artist, Ras G, to work with Ugandan rapper Mon MC, youth artists, and other local musicians in Uganda for three weeks in May of 2012.

For more info on AGYA: amagezigemaanyi.blogspot.com/

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