Roddy Rod Presents… The Oakwood Grain Mash-Up Contest
To celebrate the release of his new 2-CD album Oakwood Grain I & II, Maspyke and Low Budget producer Roddy Rod is launching a new mash-up contest, giving fans a chance to win a copy of the album plus a Nature Sounds DJ Prize Pack. While rappers are usually targeted for contests, Roddy’s inviting all the DJs for this one.
Grab 5 free Oakwood Grain beats at bandcamp, then mash them up with your favorite acapella vocal tracks. Next, submit your mash-up to us via soundcloud, and Roddy will pick the winner based on creativity and originality. We’ll even be posting all the entries on our soundcloud page so everyone can check out the mash-ups, get inspired, and “favorite” the best ones. Winner gets a copy of the album, two serato control records, two slipmats, and three Nature Sounds instrumentals albums on vinyl! Entries are due by March 31st.
To enter, download the tracks at:
http://naturesounds.bandcamp.comOakwood Grain I & II features 39 thumping instrumentals, plus a few choice vocal guests (including Finale, Muhsinah, Bilal Salaam, Wayna, and more). It hits stores everywhere on March 13th, 2012. Order here: