Pavy – Middle Class Ignorance

Middle Class Ignorance, what is you ask? Though the years I have asked myself this same question. You see this project was crafted over a period of 2 years I was 18 when I started and when I finished I was what I am now 20. So the idea of “Middle Class Ignorance has changed as also my mind frame has changed. See I feel ignorance or the sense of obliviousness is very important in life because if I logically looked at the odds I would never attempt to succeed in music. As far as the actual music on the project it’s very diverse there is no one central sound, that’s because I wanted to showcase everything that I can possibly do. This project is like nothing you have ever heard from any artist before simply because it is a story of personal triumph. I feel like this is the beginning of life for me and hopefully you guys like the music enough to tag along for the ride…Pavy

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