Styliztik Jones – We Good **mp3**
Download: Styliztik Jones – We Good
If you’re searching for something to get bent out of shape about, you don’t have to look far these days—whether on the national news or in your home streets, injustices abound as far as the eye can see. Booth regular Styliztik Jones (one half of Malcolm & Martin), however, will take gratitude and progression over doom and gloom any day of the week. On his latest promo cut, making its world premiere in the Booth as entry #12 in Event Electronics’ 20/20 Music Series, producer Dawaun Parker‘s resonant string/brass sample work bangs in the back as the Los Angeles spitter commits to accentuating the positive, regardless the trouble and strife that surround him at all times. When he’s not lacing the beat with insightful social commentary, the emcee finds time to drop a few braggadocious quotables: “I see the chorus through the eyes of Horus / The flow is too hot, call it Papa Bear’s porridge.†While this joint isn’t attached to any forthcoming project, those digging it can stay tuned for all the latest from this talented up-and-comer. Watch the Booth for further further entries in the Event 20/20 Music Series throughout November, and click here to learn how you can win a pair of Event’s new 20/20 BAS monitors.