Black Milk x Jack White – Brain & Royal Mega
Royal Mega
iTunes: Brain – Single – Black Milk
7″ Vinyl:
It’s a pretty crazy feeling when you’re going about your regular, every day routine in the studio and all of sudden you get a phone call that Jack White wants to work with you. The email to my manager came from Jack White himself. My first reaction was one of shock that an artist like him, who most people would categorize as a rock star, would want to work with an independent hip-hop artist. My second reaction was surprise that he even knew I existed, even though we’re from the same city. Of course, my response was “Hell yeah! When and where do I need to be to make this happen?†A few back and forth emails led to my band (keyboardist AB; drummer Daru Jones and bassist Malik Hunter) and I taking a trip to Nashville to record at Jack’s home studio.
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