Support: Japan Donation Compilation
The 11th of March 2011 saw Japan suffer its largest earthquake in history, 9.0 on the Richter scale. The quake was soon followed by an enormous tsunami with waves measuring up to ten meters high.
This natural disaster has wiped out towns, taken thousands and thousands of lives (with even more still missing) and had further knock on affects to several of the countries nuclear facilities. Japan is a calm, patient and dignified Nation and will no doubt build from this disaster, however in order to do that they will need as much help as possible.
It is with that in mind that A Bridge Too Far Recordings and The Find Magazine have teamed up to show financial support to the rescue and rehabilitation efforts that will be ongoing for the coming months if not years.
Japan has long been a Nation obsessed with music, arts, films and creative culture and has provided you with a lot of good music in the past.
Lets show our appreciation and support for this by purchasing this download!
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