Senator Bret Boogie – Control **Free**

<a href="">People In The Place by Senator Bret from Transistor Fist</a>

CONTROL is the debut solo outing from Senator Bret Boogie, the voice of Transistor Fist.

For his solo outing, the Senator stuck to his confrontational lyrics about social apathy, economic turbulence and the politics of the soul, but focused on how those issues relate to control of self, control over others and how systems control masses.

He raps over straightforward, hard-hitting beats that maintain a proper indy hip-hop aesthetic, allowing him to “open up” more than on Transistor Fist projects. Control features three songs produced by lauded Atlanta beat-maker, Illastrate, which form the direction for the remaining material produced by Beat Studies, The GoodSon and the Senator himself. In looking to offer a proper solo representation, Senator Bret wrote to his own beats, allowing him to move outside of his staunchly “conscious” persona. The album also includes appearances from Senor Kaos, Methuzulah and an unearthed verse from Jax.

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