Mr. SOS – “Earth’s Essence”

Mr. SOS – “Earth’s Essence”

“I’ve got some trees and I’m ready to smoke, but when I smoke I think of things that I normally don’t, but it’s dope because.. This is part of the Earth’s essence anyway, So if the Earth could speak this is what it would say..”

I’ve been working on this version of “Earth’s Essence” recently and I must say, it sounds pretty damn good. It features an updated 1st verse that sounds similar to the one in the original but with new lyrics and a new second verse. I’m so proud of it that I feel the need to pay homage to the original and the story that inspired it by writing this blog. So, enjoy the original version of “Earth’s Essence” and thank you all for making it one of my most popular underground gems to date. Get ready for part 2 coming soon…and yes, it will be better than the first.


via QN5

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