Sucker Punch Soundtrack: Queen “I Want It All”/”We Will Rock You” Mash-Up ft. Armageddon Aka Geddy **mp3**
Download: Queen “I Want It All”/”We Will Rock You” Mash-Up ft. Armageddon Aka Geddy
SoFlo Entertainment/Geddy Music performing artist, Armageddon, records an official mash-up remix for Queen’s “I Want It All and “We Will Rock You” debuting on the original motion picture soundtrack of Sucker Punch, directed by Zach Snyder (300, Watchmen). The soundtrack is due out March 22 from WaterTower Music and the film will hit theaters on March 25.
iTunes: Sucker Punch Soundtrack

This is hot,mosh pit music.
Hardbody rock/rap—this is hot for the movie, i been waiting for the movie for a year now. rocking song.
this fits the movie they sould use this to advertise for it. cant wait to see it
Mosh pit music? What the hell are you? Slayer is moshpit music, Chimaira is moshpit music – this is a disgrace, a truly awful way of destroying a classic, epic song. Personally i’m disgusted Queen signed off on this. I’ll probably end up avoiding this movie at all costs just to escape the blight this remix will cause.
Oh shit!!! Very very shit!!! I hate hip hop. I love Queen original version. Rock @ Metal rules!!!
This… is sacrilege. What an unispired mess.
Penis tehe
I cannot wait for this movie. Great song
This is awful…just awful
As a major Queen fan, I have to say that this is crap!!! I bloody hate it, it’s the same as going into a art gallery and pissing on a picasso! Haven’t been so annoyed by a piece of music since Jimmy Page let P Diddy loose all over Kashmir for the soundtrack of Godzilla…JUST AWFUL!!!!
what a pile of turd!!!!!!.any 5 year old could do this mix and probably turn out better!.flaming feed back artist’s(rappers/M,C’S). the only sample missing is bloody “JIVE BUNNY!”.pathetic!!.ALL YOU RAPPERS OUT THERE, WHY NOT COME UP WITH YOUR OWN MATERIAL AND STYLE AND STOP COPYING M AND M AND RIPPING OF MASTERS OF ROCK SUCH AS QUEEN, AC/DC ETC?!!!!?.what did you mix it on?,some app of an iphone??!!.dont get me wrong ,im all for mixing new with old but this is just crap!!!!!
It’s alright. Just another mediocre rapper using a classic to get noticed and possible a hit.
They fuck´up the songs
i love that they are using so much queen music in movies and commercials now!!!i love it,they were the best band ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
horrible! : (
awful! so sad : (
Wow that was awful. Freddie Mercury would be rolling in his grave if he hadn’t been cremated.
I am so disappointed with this banal tripe. What were you thinking Brian, to let your beautifully crafted songs be ruined like this. This is a worse crime than that awful album you did with Anita Dobson.
I had no idea you could screw up Queens music so horribly. I’m sure ya’ll remember Ice Ice Baby. That was hot compared to this absolute CRAP!
calm down ladies…..its just crap imitating art…….they have to make a buck……they didnt get paid well in the 70s
OMG this is one of the worst mashups I have ever heard
total crap
I can’t wait for CRAP… I mean RAP to be over. Might as well put Queens music behind a bunch of farting. Just as musical as this…. sound.
good god…. WTF is this shit? who was the dumb fuck who thinks this is mosh pit music…my god, obviously never gone to a metal concert… know….METAL…where real musicians play REAL instruments. fuck this rap shit….should be called RIP thats all these musically talentless mother fuckers do…rip shit off, black it up, make a million bucks off it, then walk around with their ridiculous looking bling on and actually believe they are musicians. FUCK OFF MOTHERLESS HEATHENS. shame on you queen for allowing this. you have been my favourite band for the last 35 years and this makes my FUCKING SKIN CRAWL.
im a HUGE Queen fan…so i get it that we get upset when our bands classic songs get re used and beat up. But guys Queen has been sampled for years this is nothing new. The rapper is good in my opnion and i dont listen to rap music. Stop acting like its so bad when it is kinda kool after my 2nd listen. Open your minds fellow Queen fans! Looks like a kick ass movie too!
You all must be in your 50’s—lol–you old asses cant let go! Queen liked the song..alot as a matter of fact! I LOVE it!!! Armageddon rocks in my book, love the mash up!
Armageddon is good, the beat is hard, the song is fresh! Best Queen rap mix i ever heard. Lets be real people!
I am NOT a fan of rap, but I love Queen. The fact that it’s a clashing mix doesn’t bother me that much. The lyrics, however, have relevance to today’s world, and are pertinent to me personally. Anyway, it’s just for a movie …. C’mon folks !!!
The mash-up end of its fine. Its the rap that’s awful. “I’m tough, I’ve been to jail, I got a lot of money” – same old boring shit. Any one of a dozen hacks could have done the same thing. Nothing remotely fresh about it. Phoned in.
As a huge Queen fan I also “Want It All”… I want it all removed from any soundtrack, any web site, any music site, etc. I’m sure Freddy is rolling over in is grave. I have nothing against rap, but this… it’s simply pityful.
Queen is my favorite band and this isn’t as horrible as people are are thinking. Queen are universal and they’re music is timeless. It’s a good mash up. Looking forward to the movie.
Queen forever!
had my reservations before listening to track,I’m a 50+age group & I thought it was great,simple mix but effective,kids love it too which will give Queen to another generation of music fan’s that may have been put off by listening to mum & dads music,brings it upto date in younger ears,they loved ice ice baby & dare I say it Jedwood or deadwood from x factor or whatever they call it.bring on more remixes but would love them to bring out completely new album.if this comes out on cd I’d buy it & I bet it would make top 10.
Well, I am a HUGE Queen fan, have been since about 1984 and during that time, have considered myself a ‘purist’, hating anyone’s attempts to dabble with their music (and still hate Vanilla Ice for his crime even to this day!!), but over the years there have been some decent, well structured re-mixes that have actually worked, involving different musical genres, which I have liked, and I have to say, I also like this. You guys who slam stuff like this should be pleased that even today, Queen’s brilliant music is living on and still being introduced to today’s youngsters thru soundtracks for games and films etc. Who cares if it isn’t always in its original form – times change and things move on. Different influences come into the mix etc – but the wonderful thing is that people are still turning to Queen’s legacy for inspiration and enjoyment – Queen are eternal and will forever rock!!! Let’s all chill and enjoy their music in whatever form it’s thrown at us!
This rap is awful.
Great!! Queen music can live on and still inspire future generations!!
The rapper Armageddon is not rapping about himself, it for a scene in the movie!!! /he is being a character in the film, some king of Boss or mobster! I think is a great re mix!
Armageddon use to write for Fat joe and other big names in hip-hip. He has always be crazy creative. Im glad he is putting out good music, i seen him on wshh a few times this year! Never heard of the film till now, gott acheck for it!
Love it! Need this for the ipod!
Diamond can s my d cuz this song is really tight, and YOU are a disgrace, not this song
if any of you lazy idiots actually went and saw the movie you’d understand the song, as for those of you who like i agree with you